Bad online vibes?
Is this a very stressful time of the year? Somehow i'm getting bad vibes from people that i chat with online or on forums...like people seem to take everything i say seriously when i'm just joking around, or when someone is feeling great and announces his good news on the internet they'd become party poopers and pour a good serving of cynicism and pessimism on the guy, or they'd nit-pick with other people on the smallest things and lose patience easily...
I can't really tell since i'm like on an extended holiday lol. Or, as those party poopers would put it, i'm unemployed and just waiting on my ass for the job reply. Am i just joking around a bit too much? Or does the problem lie with the others? Hmm...
I just updated my Disclaimer and added a Terms of Agreement to my blog. Please scroll down the middle section of my blog and read it. Note that, by doing this (writing this post that is), i shall not be liable if you do anything stupid, then tell me "I didn't see that disclaimer
what" or anything along those lines. If you suddenly feel suicidal or choked on your snack because of what i just typed, then too bad. In life, you can never be too careful. <.<) (>.>
......Nah, actually i did it all for amusement lol. Got my debit card a few days ago and i was AMAZED at all the stuff written in both booklets of the bank's terms and conditions. In fact, i actually spent 4 hours reading the whole 30 or so pages of it! So, it's all in good fun...although covering my backside another inch is always pretty welcome mwahahahahahaha... XD XD XD
This Post is Essentially a Game Review.
Shin Megami Tensei-Persona 3: C'est Magnifique!Wow...this game is good. Lol. It's for the PS2, and those who have a PS2, love RPGs and have yet to try it out...well, what're you waiting for?!
Anyway the game works like a cross between a dating sim and a standard RPG. You'll get to live out a life of a japanese high school boy, making friends, studying for exams and checking out the shops by day and fighting creepy shadows by night! ...any more descriptions on my part would be totally fanboy-ish, and frankly, i can't be bothered to elaborate.
But in any case, i've already spent about 120 hours on the game (probably 150, given the restarts and all that), i haven't completed it yet...and my attention hasn't been lost! Amazing! =D (not like The Witcher, which was a very good game too, although i suddenly lost interest in it after a few days of playing) The characters are great, the story's pretty smashing, the fighting's fun, and the fight preparations (persona fusions, etc) are both frustrating and engrossing at the same time.
The best thing about it, though, has got to be its soundtrack, and a tv show or game's soundtrack tends to have a HUGE influence on how much i'd come to like it. Some of my most favourite anime - RahXephon, Noein, Slam Dunk, Claymore, etc, have very good and very original soundtracks as well.
Frankly, i'm sick of all that Hollywood-style music in movies, western TV shows and games - you know, the orchestral type of pieces that sound totally boring when they're listened to on their own. And thankfully, Persona 3's got enough electric guitar pieces, lush sounds and electronic works of art to bring me to musical heaven. Although, of course, people who're only accustomed to the standard pop/rock fare and who don't listen to game/background music wouldn't be very impressed.
Anyway, i give the game *5 STARS*! This game is definitely among my top ten favourite games of all time! (which is actually REALLY high praise! Lol!)
Heath Ledger has passed away.
Oh my. I'm sure all of you have known by now, but i just couldn't help writing about it. Poor guy. A fellow sufferer of insomnia. And one of my favourite actors too. A very good performer. What a waste.
May he forever rest in peace.
What the hell?!
Oh my god. I just found out that i've got a wisdom tooth. Was flossing my teeth when i realised that i had one more tooth way at the back of the top-right of my jaw; one more than my left side that is. It's still growing, i daresay...like the cap is already exposed but the bottom/cavity area is still just peeking a little out of the gum.
It may seem like small, insignificant and inconsequential news to most, but it's REALLY BIG news to me! Like, i've never had a wisdom tooth my whole damned LIFE, and now, at the age of 20, i suddenly discover that i've got half a molar growing right at the back where it shouldn't?? What the hell?!
Party Wiis and Woes
Woah, went to mary's house today (or rather, yesterday evening..) for her birthday party! Well...a couple of things of note, one of which was this very creatively wrapped mass present from her friends (one of our gifts was involved too) where she'd peel off the wrapping paper of a very big present, only to find a small gift from one of her friends and a slightly smaller wrapped present for her to unwrap...it went on and on until it got pretty hilarious.
Next was the Nintendo Wii! Played quite a bit of it at her place, which was my first ever true experience of the gaming system besides a few touches at tech stores. And i must say that, credit to Nintendo, this machine's VERY fun. Almost as fun as a PS2. Lol. But, to be fair, it's a much, much better multiplayer/amateur-gamer system/party machine. But of course you people knew that already.
We played loads of lame-ass games with non-existant plots, but it was still very wacky and a totally new experience. Enough that i'm even considering getting one via a mass-order...
...except that i know i'd be paying around $800 (including the initial discounts PLUS extra remotes, nunchucks and the games) for something which i wouldn't even touch on normal days. I'd only take it out during house-parties, so it would up my home's fun-factor but not much else.
And talk about time contraints if i get that law-firm internship/attachment/runner/assistant job soon...damn i hope i do get it hahaha.
Apart from all that...i must say that i was quite disappointed in myself again today, for being the ultimate shy-guy that i am. There was this person who i did not know, and who i might've wanted to get to know, but...well, things always turn out the same as usual, don't they.
In any case, it's 2.45am! Time to take a shower and get ready for bed! *Sigh* i was kinda in the mood for sketching though...maybe i should start on that tomorrow instead...
MyAnimeList - become a member today! :D
Wow, i've been posting a lot...Well, today, i suddenly decided to become a member of MyAnimeList->with manga, thus cementing my place as an aniota - anime otaku - for all eternity! (Yikes..that doesn't sound like a good thing..0_o)
Took my time there managing my anime and manga catalogue/list...they practically have the whole library of existing anime/manga for you to select from. Then you can rate the stuff you've watched/read and form a list of 5 favourite animes, anime characters and voice actors!
And you can add friends, join fan groups (all kinda like facebook huh), and rave about manga, anime, anime characters and voice actors/actresses on their website profiles like the little fanboy/fangirl you are.
I was more interested in the catalogue part though. It's like i can record down what i've watched and, among other things, record down the time that i watched it! Like between this date to this date and stuff, although i haven't got the will (nor the memory) to record down anything regarding that.
But anyway, the website somehow calculates the time i've spent watching anime and reading manga, and currently it's at 4.1days a.k.a. 98.4 hours for manga.
According to the website, i've spent a total of 49.0 days (a.k.a. 1176 hours) of my life watching anime.Lol. Over a thousand hours...does that make me an aniota demigod or something?
Although the figure does seem a little wrong. I'm pretty sure i've spent MORE time than that. Hahahaha... XD
It's probably because i usually take VERY long to watch a single episode. Blame it on my attention to detail - i have a habit of rewinding and rewatching scenes if there is anything at all that i didn't catch.
In any case, if you're interested to become a member of anime's "facebook", do join me at http://myanimelist.net! If you're already a member and you're trying to find me, then no guess as to what my username is! Plus my profile picture, although not my actual picture, would probably look RATHER familiar heheheh.
And, to be really serious this time, it doesn't have to mean that you're a nerd or an anime otaku or whatever. I mean, i watch tons of this crap, but i don't exactly fantasise about this stuff in my sleep or go out and buy figuirines or souvenirs or whatever.
Although, if you went out and bought them for me as a gift, it WOULD be an entirely different matter. Hahahaha... XD
2 Drunkards!

Diana uploaded this photo on facebook. With the above title as well. A photo of me and ct on my birthday just a few days ago, and i'm sitting on the floor in one corner of my room laughing off my alcohol hahaha. Although there was still more to come..0_o
Anyway. I'm beginning to like this picture for some reason. Reminds me of the good 'ol times, maybe. Ahaha.
The idiot who sneezed.
Do you know that sinking feeling you get when you realise that you just spoiled someone's hard work and planning with a loose mouth, even though it's all just a misunderstand and you really didn't mean to do it?
Something like in those movies when a bunch of people are hiding from a monster, and you're the one who decides to risk a sneeze or laugh just before the monster is out of earshot?
Or maybe you're among a bunch of rebels waiting to ambush the enemy in the streets, and you see the enemy escorting your mother as a prisoner? Then, being the total IDIOT that you are, you just can't resist the temptation to gasp "Mum!" and end up giving all your allies' position away?
Well, i'm the one who sneezed. I'm the idiot.
And i'm experiencing that sinking feeling right now. In buckets.
Birthday alcohol bash
Woah. What a weird 20th birthday party yesterday. Mainly because i wasted nearly the last six hours of it...getting wasted. I got pretty drunk, all in all (though i'd say it was only just "incredibly tipsy)...my friends helped me a little by tanking a couple of glasses of champagne for me that i was "supposed" to be drinking (Thanks lots guys!) but it was probably too late by then...in fact i drank a few glasses of wine after they had gone!
In the end, six shots of vodka, three glasses of wine, a cup of kahlua milk and half a glass of champagne brought me all the way to the edge, where another step forward might've propelled me from simply not being able to stand upright and walk straight to the deep, dark depths of vomitting and the KO. Man...my drinking endurance is pretty low...not that i want to be "training" it anytime soon!
Then again, although i had a throbbing headache and kept wanting to lie down...i could still win at bluff, mahjong and a couple of fighting games! Okay sorry i just couldn't resist the boast. :D
Anyway, i went to sleep later on at around 1am, thinking it would be easy with all that alcohol...but then the true ordeal arrived. I ended up waking up at 3.30 in the morning after horrendous dreams of binge drinking and alcohol. The tipsiness had left me, and all that was left was a blocked nose and a horrible headache. My arms ached badly too, somehow.
To people who haven't gotten drunk or extremely tipsy (like me)...it's no joke. My eyes ached for sleep, but i just couldn't because i had a headache that no amount of drinking water could solve. After a while, i think my fingers started aching for some aspirin. -.-
Well, i managed to fall asleep again at about 7am, and had more "normal" dreams till i woke up at 11.30am with my headache mostly gone. And i've been at the computer typing till now. My right arm still aches like hell though...i wonder why.
In any case, i think i'm going to be off vodka for a VERY long while! Maybe almost forever! Not that i even
liked the taste! Like my cousin's boyfriend Evigan said, that stuff is
evil! I've still got half that bloody bottle in my freezer, but regardless, i won't be the one finishing it even if you pay me to! (wait, i take that back...if you paid me a LOT...)
For future guests who might be thinking of bringing alcohol here...please don't bring vodka! I don't believe that we have any hard-liquor drinkers in this house anyway...how about bringing something that i like? Like erm...sake, kahlua, irish cream and red wine lol. Okay i'm kidding. A little.
Anyway, i better go deal with the next ordeal that awaits me...an empty stomach and cleaning up my bedroom!