I've taken so much of this shit already...So why do I have to get hit with the biggest and smelliest pile of poop when i'm less than a month away from graduating from this nonsense??? Argh and what's worse is that i could have avoided this shitty schedule and shitting difficult take-home exams and research papers by just choosing another module.
And to think that i chose these modules only partially out of interest and also partially because i thought there'd be easier competition and also LESS WORK like wtf how dumb is that. I wish i'd taken one of those supposedly more USEFUL substantive mods with just some sit-down exam consisting of a hypothetical where i wouldn't even need to know every case in depth. Instead of one exam and maybe one take-home essay, i ended up with a class presentation, 2 semi-research papers, 1 full research paper, and 1 closed-book exam. ALL FOR THE SAME BLOODY NUMBER OF CREDITS.
*Gaah* this is hell; my paper is due at the same bloody time that my Korean oral exam starts like WTF am i gonna get any sleep that night or what. I'm so gonna drink that Ramune if i manage to survive on Tuesday. Someone please remind me in case i forget.