Tagboard Malfunctioning?
I can't seem to post on my tagboard. Not sure what's the reason...and maybe it's just that i can't post using this particular computer. (Which would be a little weird...)
I've experimented with all the different ways one can click that "Post" button, and in the process i've spammed my own tagboard quite a number of times. But nothing seems to show up. Odd.
Anyone having the same problem? I DO think that flooble needs to get faster servers for their chatterbox...although i shan't complain that much since it's all a free service for me.
I'm rather irritated. Rather.
Man. It's harder to get my hands on a 1 terrabyte harddisk than i thought. Went to funan today hoping to get it for around $480 but the places i went to were out of stock. And woe be to me, about a third of the shops, including about half the tech stores and ALL the other stores that might have stocked that Seagate 1000gb harddisk...had closed by then. And it was only
8 bloody pm!!
I was quite astonished. Like it's a saturday during the Christmas eve period for crying out loud! :| There's gotta be something wrong with that place. Either that, or tech stores in funan have had very little business. To the point that the people working there are so pessimistic that they're
convinced they won't get any customers of note after 8pm.
How crappy. At this rate, i'll have to go to Sim Lim. Doesn't feel as homely over there but at least stock and early closing times are never a problem.
I was already rather peeved today, but the worst was yet to come. On the MRT ride back, i encountered the Merry Band of Korean Men.
In the multitude of korean dramas you see these days, i find that a lot of these korean men are portrayed as quite the bunch of chauvanistic rascals. And these are supposed to be the good guys, heroes of the show even. Maybe my moral compass just isn't aligned very well with those korean scriptwriters.
But you know what, i always secretly felt that korean men weren't really like that...that they weren't really such "rascals". Maybe the average korean guy's quite timid and reserved, so scriptwriters try to make the male leads more bold and brash and end up going overboard. However, today's incident has caused me to doubt my previous convictions.
First, the MRT was packed and closing when the Merry Band rushed in. Nothing wrong with that. We all want to Save Time.
Then, this fat korean guy with an LV luggage bag lost his footing when the MRT started to move, and crashed into my back, pushing me into a pair of women. Nothing wrong again; that was an Accident.
Later on, that korean guy stepped quite painfully on my slippered foot. But there was no problem. Because he Apologised. And i smiled.
So far, it was going rather well. They were conversing and laughing very loudly (as in VERY) but that could be attributed to Cultural Differences.
But then the Incident happened.
As the MRT emptied out a little, this scrawny little 30-ish korean guy approached the rest of his buddies,
pushed into my arm, the arm that was holding on to one of the vertical metal bars scattered around the train (you know, the metal poles that split into 3 that help us keep our balance) and proceeded to claim the whole bloody bar as his own.
I believe that there was no way he didn't know about my arm because he was practically walking into it and
leaning against it, like he wanted to ask me to buzz off but didn't know how to say it in english. I think the fat guy noticed what had happened but decided not to do anything about it...which is fine actually - maybe he's just timid, deep down. But the scrawny guy and the rest simply ignored me and acted as if nothing untoward had happened.
The scrawny guy felt rather icky to me, and being my usual non-confrontational self, i simply withdrew my hand from the pole instead of keeping firm or doing the "excuse me". The train was still quite crowded, so there were no other poles or handgrips for me to hold onto, nor were there any free spaces for me to lean on.
I've had lots of training as a kindergarten boy, so i stood there, keeping my balance in the moving train with my hands to myself, with the scrawny korean guy standing right in front of me with his entire body wrapped around the whole metal structure, all the while feeling rather irritated. Rather.
I think i've got to be either a saint or a wimp for not doing anything about it. But in any case...that was
rather rude of him. I suppose it's wrong to generalise a whole country's worth of men based on this small incident, but you can't blame me if my own opinion has started to change because of this. Just a little bit.
It's time for a buffet!
I went to Waraku today. Ordered a single serving of sake sashimi. Finished it.
And realised that i still wanted some more.
That's when i realised that, oh gosh do i need to arrange a trip to japanese buffet one of these days! XD My my, the logic and mindset of people in affluent cultures...
Anyway i just finished watching Claymore! A bit behind time compared to the rest of my friends because i've been saving it up for a good time. But woah is it good! Really deserves to be in the list of top 10 anime i've watched this year...and i've watched a LOT if you didn't know, so that's actually high praise!
The ending kinda sucked though. But anime based on manga tend to start sucking when they start deviating from the manga's storyline. And this one did towards the end.
Well i'm currently filled with this little urge to get
some things done and get some things started! So off i go!
Third Time UnLuCkY...
Woooooooooootss i failed again. My driving that is. For the third bloody time.
This time, my rear wheel mounted the kerb while steering through the S-Course...though in my opinion it was more of a bump.
And...that was it. I had another four points for direction-change parking (3-pt turn) because i didn't look behind the whole time while reversing. (edit: erm..meaning that i DID look behind most of the time...just not the WHOLE time)
Which also seems quite nonsensical to me, because unlike real parking lots, there're no parked cars behind you to judge how far you can reverse. And this car doesn't have the beep-beep thing that most cars now have.
So my instructor told me to stop the vehicle when u can see the kerb on the other side. Which i did. And i got four points for that.
And i had another four points for the mount kerb incident. And besides that, i didn't get anything else. Which meant that i had only
8 points in total. Much less than most people who pass.
And i failed. What the hell.
According to my own tester, he said that i could just take my licence, get the car and get on the road right there and then. But too bad, because i didn't steer well that time because of nervousness. I'm not sure if i was THAT nervous...not as bad as last time i think...although my heart was beating pretty fast. 0_o
All i can say's that i'll emerge from this an even better driver than most. It's kinda like tasting defeat before achieving success.
I doubt those who haven't taken the test before would understand...i think that only those who've taken the test before would realise how the driving test's quite like playing roulette - no matter how prepared you are - where a mental lapse could easily lead to a few points, maybe an instant failure...and mental lapses are pretty common if you're nervous.
I think that only those who've taken the test before and failed would be able to truly respect the intentions of the test, the importance of being safe and that driving is not something to be taken lightly.
And i think that only the repeated failures would truly experience that pissing feeling of having to go for lessons again and again just to "refresh" you skills back to the level you were at before the test...only to be treated to a bit of roulette action again...that "you can try again if you fail" is never consolation enough.
And that somehow, that mindset only makes passing even more difficult.
Oh well. Next test's in February. If there's really a God out there, i'd think he wanted me to get zero points before letting me pass. Sigh.
Wow..engaged huh.
My sister just got engaged. To her boyfriend of over five years. Woah. I'm not sure if this's supposed to be a secret but if it is then oooops i revealed it...:|
Oh and before i forget to edit this post again: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TWO OF YOU! :)
Anyway i've been pretty much a big kid still living closely with my parents for a while now, and my sister's been kinda like my partner-in-crime. Is this a sign of change? A transition towards independance? Haha, i certainly hope so!
But in any case. Woah. I think i'm getting old. Old bachelor huh...yikes.