
Sylvia Lim on fat pay-increases.
Got this from my dad...it's a speech where Nominated MP, Sylvia Lim, argues against the fat pay increases that our ministers have been getting as civil servants in Singapore receive salary increases. It's quite a big issue at the moment...one our PM has tried to evade by saying that he'll donate his increase to charity 0_o (i'd like to add that donating his increase would probably save HIM money on tax..and of course as my sister says, it's an unnecessary step and a waste of time..why not just cancel the pay increase for ministers altogether?)

Anyway, since i've got nothing much to blog about at the moment - being the boring guy that i am )`: - i've decided to post what she had said on this blog, to sorta spread the message to people (like me) who don't really read up often on these kinds of things. I'm not sure about the source of this speech, since i got it in an email, but u can PROBABLY find it on the Temasek Polytechnic website, or something along those lines.


11 Apr 2007


By Sylvia Lim, NCMP

In the last 2 days, MPs have covered many aspects of this contentious issue of benchmarking Ministerial pay to the private sector at 2/3M48. The Member for Hougang has comprehensively stated the Workers' Party position on this matter. The gist of our position is that we should instead consider benchmarking based on the remuneration of political office-holders in countries which tick. They generally favour a more moderate use of taxpayers' money for political salaries, and do not seem to have run their countries aground.

Today I would like instead to examine a few points raised by Minister Teo Chee Hean in his reply speech yesterday and also to argue why the benchmark of 2/3M48 for political office will ultimately be against the national interest.

Points raised by Minister Teo on Apr 10

Minister Teo attempted to rebut the Member for Hougang's contention that this debate was a waste of taxpayers' money. He said instead that this was a hallmark of PAP's commitment to transparency.

While I do agree that this is an opportunity to have a public airing, the debate arouses a feeling of deja vu, harking back to the other transparent debate about whether to have casinos in Singapore . The revision was presented in Parliament in a form of Ministerial statement under Standing Order 44 where no vote will be taken. Not one thing said by any MP will change the decision of the government. I would personally very much like to know what each individual Minister feels about taking more than $2m of taxpayers' money home each year, while fellow citizens struggle with rising costs and taxes.

Secondly, Minister Teo mentioned that it was not right to look at how much political leaders elsewhere earn because our Ministers cannot become Ministers in other countries. But the comparison is logical because we are comparing similar skill sets and responsibilities funded by the public. Looking instead at 2/3M48, how valid is it as a measure of a Minister's worth? Is it possible that, in fact, some of our Ministers are doing better in Cabinet than they would have done in their previous careers? Can we say that each and every Minister in Cabinet now would have become a top-earning banker, accountant, lawyer, engineer or CEO? We have seen instances of civil servants and military personnel embark on 2nd careers in the private sector, and find the business world a whole new ball game; and some, in fact, flounder.

Thirdly, Minister attempted to show that Cabinet salaries were not in the rarefied zone of high fliers by plotting a graph of 1,000 residents and Malaysians. Even so, 1,000 out of the resident workforce of about 1.9 m (as at mid 2006, according to Labour Force Survey) is less than 0.1%. To be in this group of 1,000 is already to be in a very privileged few and as far as the public is concerned, is already in the rarefied zone.

Why 2/3M48 is ultimately against the national interest

Economists have noted that globalisation increases income disparity. As such, the top earners' salaries will in all likelihood move up further in the future. A few years from now, 2/3M48 may require us to endorse each Cabinet minister's pay for $3m or $4m annually. As these pay packets are funded from taxes, including poor people paying GST, how far is the government prepared to go with this? Does it have a threshold of unconscionability?

Next, what makes a good Minister? There may be differences of opinion, but fundamentally, political leadership is a different creature from administration. To add value to policy-making, the Minister must play the role of politician – he should understand the public sentiment and aspirations, and be able to front policies and explain things plainly to people. He must lead not just with head but with heart. His ground feel of the needs of the people and understanding of their plight distinguishes him from the professional civil servant who usually focuses more on efficiency and expediency in implementation. To be effective, a Minister's EQ may often be more important than for him to be part of a Mensa club. In fact, he would be better if he was wired differently from the top civil servants, to reduce the mistakes perpetuated by groupthink.

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew previously justified why it was not feasible to have foreign talent in the political leadership. He said that the political leadership should "have passion, the commitment and share the same dreams as the people". (ST 4 Nov 2006). I agree. The question is: how will 2/3M48 affect empathy, the ability of Ministers to share the same dreams as the people?

Ministers are currently drawing $1.2m a year which divided by 12 is about $100,000 per month. How does it compare with the average person?

According to the Report on the Labour Force in Singapore 2006, the median gross monthly income of workers in full-time employment is $2,170. In other words, a worker takes a month to earn what a Minister earns in half a day! For university graduates, the median gross monthly income is $4,450. This would take the Minister one day to earn.

As you move the salaries up to 88% of the benchmark, we will find that the average worker's monthly pay will be earned by a Minister in 2-3 hours. Does the Cabinet not feel a tinge of discomfort drawing taxpayers' money at such rate? At such rates, can Ministers and Singaporeans share the same dreams?

Another reality is that our leaders may face problems in marshalling the people to make sacrifices for the country.

About 4 years ago, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan told the House that his son had asked whether one should be prepared to die for Singapore . This sparked off a heated public debate. The cynics invariably linked this question to Ministerial salaries. To quote a member of the public, and I paraphrase: "Who are we trying to kid? Before we start talking about dying for Singapore , let us look at our leaders. We are told that we cannot get good leaders unless we pay top dollar, so why expect more from the rest of us"?

Citizens should be able to look to leaders for moral leadership and inspiration. If what they perceive are mercenaries at the helm, then asking them to make sacrifices will be met with cynicism and indifference. This will not bode well for Singapore 's future. What will happen when crunch time comes? Is this a time bomb planted for the future of Singapore ?

Salaries and Nation Building

If we are seriously unable to interest good people into public office, we must ask why other countries can do it and we cannot. Is it just money, or the fact that we have not invested in creating a culture of high public-spiritedness?

In some countries, there are young people who aspire to hold public office. SM Goh had previously said that we could not expect to behave like people in other countries because we are a young nation and people still see things in material terms. How sad. After 41 years of nationhood, national service and national day parades, what do we teach our children? Do we judge a person's worth by his salary? If so, we have wasted millions of tax dollars on these nation-building efforts, which have truly been in vain!

Public service must remain a noble undertaking for which people are prepared to make sacrifices in exchange for the benevolent power to improve the lives of others. If we corrupt this by money, we can be efficient but never a country of high ideals. As such, I cannot agree with the Members who see political office as yet another career choice. It must be more than a job, and the holder must be able to think of others besides himself.

In the popular American comic strip, the Wizard of Id, there was a public address by the King to his subjects from the royal balcony. The King began: "Remember the Golden Rule!" One of the subjects called back: "What's that?" Back came the royal reply: "Whoever has the gold makes the rules!"

If the gold is the taxpayers' money, then Singapore is not that far from the Kingdom of Id !

And it does not matter what transparency the government has claimed in this attempt to justify the pay hike.

About Sylvia Lim Swee Lian, Manager, CET:

After completing her undergraduate studies at NUS and her postgraduate studies in London , Sylvia qualified as a lawyer in 1991.
Having a keen interest in criminal justice and social issues, she joined the Police Force as an Inspector for 3 years and expended energies doing investigation work at Central Police Division and staff work for Director, Criminal Investigation Department.

She returned to practice law in 1994 and was busy doing litigation work in both civil and criminal matters. Civil matters were “cleaner” and usually a matter of commercial sense. However, her heart was always more in the criminal cases. These brought to her some of the greatest satisfactions upon obtaining acquittals, in view of the odds of the system; nevertheless it also brought some of her life’s dark moments and still unresolved dilemmas such as the continued use of the death penalty.

Since Oct 1998 she has been in TP. Besides teaching on the full-time courses, she is also very involved in the teaching and administration of the part-time programmes run by Business School , as seen in her appointment as Manager, Continuing Education & Training, Temasek Business School .

Tel: 6780-5894
Email: sweelian@tp.edu.sg


ORD...is still far away.
202 days to ORD...or about 6.5 months till the day i get out of the Army and out of a life...filled with weeks of sweating in a dirty uniform that is worn day after day without any washing...construction-worker-esque jobs...MC work that involves me dealing with people with very weird ideas...a lot of things lah.

An organisation filled with administration lapses, personnel who don't deserve to be where they are...and it's one where everyone of a higher rank than you is considered your boss (regardless of how clueless he/she is..which makes for a LOT of bosses to deal with) and where dozens of umbrella rules get created everyday just to address minor problems.

I'm in an organisation like that, and it's 202 days..or around just 125 working days till i get out.

But what am i saying...that's still a very long way to go. It's constantly in my mind, however...i'm not really sure why, but it's probably because many people in my company are beginning to pack up as well, and i constantly hear the plans they have after they ORD.

And so i've begun thinking of things to do after i ORD. For example, i've been looking at jobs to do after ORD and hobbies that i can pursue (like manga-drawing or playing certain video games or something along those lines). I've also been thinking about possible hairstyles that i could have from November onwards...i'm kinda looking forward to keeping my sideburns and actually having enough hair at the back of my head (yes..no more slope! no more slope!) to use wax on. Definitely not as extreme as Cloud-san - the person on the left of this screen that makes guys want to go for plastic surgery - but well, something along those lines.

Ahwell..i'll have enough time during guard duty to think of things like these. For now though, i've got other worries. I've been winning quite a bit at mahjong recently, but weekend life is still quite the same as usual...mahjong-anime-dota-driving lessons and nothing else.

Camp life is even more worrisome. I scraped my right knee last week and it's bloody infected..but i've still got guard duty and very physical stuff coming up next week which i don't think i can get myself excused from. Last week was awfully busy and tiring, and it's going to stay that way until about mid-May. Well, if i survive until the end of May, i MIGHT just be in the mood to go out for a movie or to splurge at some expensive restaurant. Or to host a party at my new place which should be ready by that time.

But for now...it's booking-in time..sigh..so i suppose i'd better get ready to go...


Sad feeling.
Book-out mahjong anime dota driving anime book-in guard-duty book-out mahjong anime dota driving anime book-in again.

It's getting quite dreary, repetitive and well, boring.

There's so many different anime vids to watch, but when i'm done for the day, the feeling i get makes me feel as if i've only been watching one episode over and over...like i just spent a few hours watching episodes from the series "Anime", all entitled "Anime"...don't know how else to describe it.

In any case, life in camp is pretty...constant, and life outside camp is even more unchanging. For life in camp, it's a GOOD thing, like it means that there are less challenges to deal with (yes i don't like the challenges that the Army offers me...i just don't think much of the "rewards"). Outside camp, there isn't much to complain about too because i'm already better off than expected.

But there's this underlying sad feeling to all of it as well...that same feeling i often get when it seems that my life isn't moving forward and that i'm wasting away months of my youth which i would end up longing for when i am old and dying.

Then again, there's a lot of people out there who only have work tv sleep work tv sleep work tv sleep in their lives, so maybe i shouldn't be so concerned.

About Me...

Gregory Ang
31st December
Blur AND clumsy
Signal Spec


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IN ADDITION, i am not liable for any damages if, after reading my posts, you start to go crazy/doubt God/feel depressed, OR if you decide to believe my supposed "facts" or listen to my advice or any advice written in this blog AT YOUR OWN RISK and end up getting screwed/fired from your job, etc.

HOWEVER, if you are aggrieved by something that i wrote in my blog - something that damages your reputation or whatever - please feel free to send an email (with your REASONS) to greckoboy@hotmail.com, and i'll edit my posts...ONCE i've read the email (please be warned that i don't read my emails THAT regularly).

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REMEMBER, it is YOUR duty to read all of the above, for i have already written a post to direct your attention here. And if you feel the disclaimer is not "properly defined" and/or not clear, then i'm very sorry, but i kinda thought that you had this thing called "common sense". I know you have common sense...you do, don't you?

Finally, sorry for all that self-protection crap...it was quite fun though LOL. Just enjoy reading lah! :)

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