
Just to show that i've not abandoned this blog
Yup..it's exactly as the title says..this post is just to show that i've not gone and hid myself under a rock and left this blog to dry up and die.

Last week was BUSY and TIRING, torrent download speeds are AWESOME, and yesterday's mahjong game was totally WOW...but i'm just too lazy to blog about any of them LAH.

I can't even bother to come up with one of those dramatic one-liners that i see on other people's blogs...all i can say is that this weekend is probably going to be pretty uneventful.



Wow army uniform has a use to it..
Hmm...i just discovered this morning that the army uniform cloth is quite effective at shining your finger nails...of course you'll need to smoothen and buff your nails first before finishing it off with the shine and gloss, but it's quite an interesting use of the stuffy-and-non-aerated-piece of clothing. Really works, from the testing i did while i was dying of boredom at MC rehearsals today.


I..suppose talking about manicures is a really girly/metrosexual thing to do. 0_o Lol but for the record i only KNOW a little about manicures, alright???


IT shows and gatherings.
Ok. So i haven't been blogging recently. At least for 11 days or so. But oh well, didn't feel in the mood and was pretty busy in camp with the MC stuff and all that.

Anyway, today was quite interesting, 'cos i decided to make my way out to the IT show at the Suntec Convention Hall this saturday afternoon (aka THIS afternoon lah).

Which was, frankly, pretty dumb, as anyone would suspect, but at least it gave me something to blog about (finally)...

So i reached Suntec at around 4.10pm, and boy was it packed. Crowded like hell, all the way from one end to the other. Took me a full 15 minutes to get to the Convention Hall, and when i got there...

I got stuck in a human-traffic jam. Literally. Like i entered the hall right where the HP and Compaq booth was, and that area was pretty popular somehow.

{Although i personally wouldn't recommend HP or Compaq products to anyone..it's like some people go for reliability/quality of parts over specs (Fujitsu, Lenovo Thinkpad), some people go for specs only (Alienware, some Sony Vaios) while others go for price (Acer, Dell) and HP/Compaq just seems like it's trying to straddle all 3 parties without being spectacular in any department}

I managed to get stuck behind this girl for nearly a minute because some guy was pushing a cart through a crowd that was already pressed from end to end and going in the opposite direction.

The item i was actually looking for was..erm..pretty small, and so i made my way slowly and steadily to the Sony booth...

...But i found out that they were only focusing on digicams, laptops and a few walkmans. So, balls to them, i decided to make my way out of the place because the booth to buy DVD-Rs seemed so far off that i think i could cab down tomorrow to Funan and buy them from Challenger and spend even LESS time than if i had tried to buy them today. I wanted to be on time for the outing today anyway.

So, in the end, i didn't get anything. Sigh, the whole of the main hall seemed focused on selling laptops, desktops, cameras and LCD screens and other things from Creative and Brother that i had totally no interest in. The apparent price-cuts didn't seem like a big enough deal to be worth the trouble buying (i hate making rush-deals anyway).

The Microsoft and Sony booths (Sony had 2 different booths) at the lower level were pretty interesting, but no way in HELL am i gonna buy an XBOX 360 (i've had ENOUGH of dumb "action games"!!), and the only PS3 games on show were Grand Turismo and yet another dumbass army/war/shooter game (where's all the Final Fantasy-style games??)

I DID learn a few lessons, though, which would be useful to anyone planning to go down to IT shows during the peak hours in the future...

Firstly, when you first enter the hall, get a brochure...any brochure. Doesn't matter if you're not interested in the brand-name, because in this sweltering-ly crowded war-zone, the first thing that you need...is a fan.

Secondly, try to find out what the less popular brand-names are, and use the..more empty passageways between these booths to your advantage. Or rather, know which brands are hugely popular, and steer clear of these danger zones. For example, the areas with the worst traffic today was the HP/Compaq-Creative Crash Zone and the LG-Samsung-Sony Triangle of Death.

Finally, if you see someone talking with a mic near one of the booths, don't EVER go near him. Because the place where that person is talking and advertising has a high chance of resulting in a "human pile-up"...and the people in the "pile-up" who're listening and watching the demonstration won't even notice you or hear your "excuse-me"s. Passing through such a pile-up is often a very slow and tedious process.

Well, i walked and took the MRT, and walked some more until i reached Village (villa-jay..erm i forgot my alternate alphabet codes) at Heeren for our 04S15/05S15 outing...

Sad though, because a lot of the junior class people couldn't make it, and although it was extremely fun to joke and catch up on old times again with my ex-classmates, especially with guys like nicholas and all that, there was almost zero interaction between the senior and junior classes. Like nothing much in common to chat about.

There were even a few junior class people who seemed quite determined to remain unsociable somehow..like they had this super fierce stare whenever they weren't talking with their own classmates. Lol NS recruits can be so scary at times haha...

Well, we didn't have KBOX in the end, 'cos it turns out that hardly anyone wanted to sing, and so most of them left early..which i realised, in the end, was perfectly fine because the chatting around the dinner table was really the main draw and the most fun part of the outing. Once the obligation to do SOMETHING after dinner was gone, the outing somehow became more meaningful and more like a real "hang-out".

Hmm well anyway the last few paragraphs were written after the DOTA match just now, so it's actually past 4am right now...Those last few paragraphs are probably rife with grammatical and spelling errors because of my sheer sleepines...So i'm gonna end it here!

About Me...

Gregory Ang
31st December
Blur AND clumsy
Signal Spec


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Fellow Bloggers :)

kenneth poon

DISCLAIMER: This blog is copyrighted by Gregory Ang, blah blah blah...if you wanna quote something from this blog for some reason (i can't even begin to imagine what), please at least say Greg said "..." instead of just "..."

IN ADDITION, i am not liable for any damages if, after reading my posts, you start to go crazy/doubt God/feel depressed, OR if you decide to believe my supposed "facts" or listen to my advice or any advice written in this blog AT YOUR OWN RISK and end up getting screwed/fired from your job, etc.

HOWEVER, if you are aggrieved by something that i wrote in my blog - something that damages your reputation or whatever - please feel free to send an email (with your REASONS) to greckoboy@hotmail.com, and i'll edit my posts...ONCE i've read the email (please be warned that i don't read my emails THAT regularly).

TERMS OF AGREEMENT: By reading this blog, you agree that this website is just a simple collection of opinions. I will erase this part when i start harbouring ambitions to change the world or take down the PAP or whatever. Furthermore, you agree to abide by the terms stated (rather crudely) in the disclaimer above.

REMEMBER, it is YOUR duty to read all of the above, for i have already written a post to direct your attention here. And if you feel the disclaimer is not "properly defined" and/or not clear, then i'm very sorry, but i kinda thought that you had this thing called "common sense". I know you have common sense...you do, don't you?

Finally, sorry for all that self-protection crap...it was quite fun though LOL. Just enjoy reading lah! :)

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