Something i can't explain very well for now..
Second post of the day..this's pretty rare, but anyway i was talking to a friend about how although my girl-chasing style (which's er..practically non-existant) and this OTHER guy's relentless one is totally opposite, we both have huge egos. Except that while his was..regenerative, mine was a fragile one. It got me thinking...
I'd liken my ego to a porcelain vase..one that's been broken and patched up countless times. It's sad, then, that i still seem to be reliant on such a weak thing, that without it, the water of conversation would be unable to travel..although perhaps this is true for everyone else.
I suppose "confidence" would translate to how much water you are comfortable to have in that ego-vase...everyone needs one, but a truly confident person would be able to carry a lot of water in an average sized vase, while an insecure person would be too afraid that the water might spill, and would build up a huge ego just to transport that little bit of water...
Although i don't have much confidence to begin with, i believe confidence is something that slowly builds..until the ego-vase shatters. In a way, a smaller ego is sometimes better, because although a big vase might hold more water, it also has more cracks and attracts more attention from those who aren't satisfied with the space given to their own vase. There's limited space for all the vases of everyone in society, and in a closed group, if one was bigger than the rest, it would eventually be shattered, over and over, until it was small enough to accomodate the rest...and the shattering of your vase is a very painful experience, emotionally.
I've experienced the shattering before, of course. I had thought my vase to be strong enough, and built the vase up, but when i was a teenager it was shattered, repeatedly...it made me pick up the broken pieces and discard those which weren't necessary...i built another vase, a smaller one...sealed the cracks up and hoped that it was enough to allow my confidence to build up again.
Today, this "vase" of mine seems whole and strong, but deep down there're many cracks and weak spots in that porcelain, some which i've patched up, and some which i've yet to notice..Perhaps that is why, as that friend said, i can't even tell the girl i liked that i liked her...i think i'm too afraid that she might not return those feelings, that the porcelain vase might break again...
I think that's also why i constantly think about my flaws, about the ways that my character is lacking. It's a way to test the porcelain, to find out how strong it is, how well the super-glue holds the former cracks together...and once i have reconciled myself with those flaws, understood them and accepted them, i am able to place more super glue and more clay over that part of the vase, such that if someone were to try striking at that part of the vase, the vase would hold.
In a way, i've always been fine when someone strikes at a weak point and reveals a crack...it allows me to know which part of the vase needs strengthening. But i'd be worried if that strike was forceful enough to shatter the whole vase...the vase must not be destroyed, and although everyone has their cracks and weak spots, my vase is weaker than most.
I suppose that's also the best way to help someone else gain confidence...to reveal his cracks and help him strengthen his vase, while avoiding hitting his vase too hard that it shatters. Sounds a lot like the phrase many business people follow and recommend: "Praise in public, criticise in private". Because if the crack is revealed in public, many people that you're not in control of might strike at it and cause the employer's vase to shatter. It's much better to do the cracking in private and letting the employer's peers patch it up in public.
It's kinda like what i'm doing now - i'm studying a particular crack in my vase, my fragile ego, and trying to understand it in order to be able seal that crack and strengthen that area of vase.
Why i'm writing this all down is another thing though. Perhaps i'm trying to get people to say otherwise, to help me patch that crack up, or perhaps it is to warn people off that part of the vase, to tell them that i've covered the crack and that the vase won't break no matter how they strike at it.
But, if you really wanted to, you could take a small hammer and aim it somewhere else near the crack, somewhere that i have yet to pay attention to...
...And if you struck hard enough, my vase might shatter, all over again.
Waah..camp's a source of bad news
Why?? WHY?? Why is it everyday at camp heralds more bad news for us poor soldiers??
First i found out that i'd been given additional guard duty on the 13th of February, then i was told that my Sunday, on the 25th of Feb would be taken up doing some technology presentation for the troops at some live range..-.- Can't tell you what that technology is but i CAN tell you frankly that it's really unreliable and buggy..i'm just going to spend a whole weekend-day malu-ing.
And i was told today that the route march tomorrow would require us to wake up at like 4am...like what the hell. And of course
we can't complain 'cos they've forced us to turn off our lights at 8.30pm tonight so we'd get "sufficient sleep"...
I think that, in the future, we need to take into account that people need time to adapt to an earlier sleeping time...it's quite likely that we'd get "jet-lag" and not be able to fall asleep..and as the time grows shorter we'd get more anxious and we might end up sleeping later than we did the night before..(like what's the rationale behind doing the route march at 4.30am anyway..?) And what do we do if we didn't sleep enough tonight? Wait 2 hours at the medical office getting a status since the company wants documentation to
prove it? Maybe in other occupations it's expected that we don't get enough sleep, but in the ARMY they tell other people that they ENSURE their soldiers sleep enough..and if they're gonna declare that they're so "welfare" and all that they'd better damn well prove it.
Since the army's SO damn ON about S-O-Ps because it makes it SO much easier for dumb people to decide what's right and what's wrong, we should then make it an SOP that you can't make us sleep more than an hour before the time that we slept the day before. Like if our light's off was at 11.30pm yesterday, you can't make it earlier than 10.30pm today.
Argh..i hate complaining about little things like these 'cos it just sounds so STUPID. But sadly, i'm living in a world right now where there're many little things like these which all add up.
It makes me sick complaining about such small matters because it makes me all too aware that they control my life and encompass the whole of my little army world.
I'm yearning to return to the REAL world.
Mahjong soccer photos. Erps.
Whew..just came back from driving lessons...today we went pretty far out from the driving centre and i had a first look at some
very bad drivers...
Well not that they're
bad drivers or anything..just awfully
rude. Like there were a few guys honking at me all over the place just 'cos i took a longer time to speed up...one of them drove into oncoming traffic to overtake me..WHILE i was overtaking a stationary vehicle, and another one quite obviously changed into the wrong lane and jumped the red light just because i was instructed not to speed past the amber light myself.
Ahwell...i suppose driving is one of those activties. You know..the one where you get an opportunity to meet the
scum and losers of the earth. Much like DOTA 0.0...although dota is probably much worse than driving because you actually TALK to those scum.
Anyway, yesterday turned out quite well! I won $20 at mahjong and was like the sole winner...mwahaha my sister's friends were supposed to be pretty high-level players themselves. It's really weird though..i can't understand why is it, when it comes to mahjong, i'm near-indestructible at home (except of course when my MUM plays) but i tend to lose almost everywhere else! I think i need a fengshui/dunno what expert to help me out here.
The soccer match between Singapore and Malaysia went better than expected too. The passing and shooting standards of both teams really sucked (with Singapore being worse off - i think we'd have lost if we weren't better in the air) but at least it was quite exciting. The trip there was hell though..took us over an hour just to get there from Upper East Coast...and every minute of it was pure torture for me too, because the start-stop motion of the car AND the crappy sound of Rod Stewart's music was making me
sick. If there was any singer whose style didn't fit mine at all, it would be
ROD STEWART. Gosh. It's not his singing..and hey i like quite a lot of old songs...but the melody just isn't
We sat directly in front of Singapore's captain Aide Iskandar during the match, and i must say that he's quite the nice dude. Never refused anyone asking for a photograph or autograph, responded in a friendly manner whenever a total stranger came to chat with him...basically just sat down and kept quiet otherwise. He seemed like quite a modest guy to me, but i suppose he IS a grown-up and he's not exactly an international superstar or anything along those lines.
Oh, one thing i almost forgot to add though...my dad totally didn't know who Aide Iskandar was..so when we were trying to get to our seats, with the match having started already, he kept blocking the captain's view! I had to tell him that the captain was behind us before he finally sat down lol!! Then later he wanted to leave the match early at half-time to beat the traffic later and i was like "Waah the freaking
captain is sitting right behind us and you want to walk out on the Singapore team right in front of him?? Like so malu lah.."
Then my mum kept trying to talk to him like an old friend..like turning around and saying things like "Haha well even when you're not playing still got a purpose huh? Can help sign autographs and take pictures..but we'd still prefer it if you're down there on the field lah hahaha!" She does these kinda things to everyone, but i think Aide thought otherwise 'cos he kept smiling back..like he thought this woman's really weird and all...lol sometimes my parents can be so bloody embarrassing haha...of course my mum'd just accuse me of being shy.
Man, but Singapore's players need to improve if they want to have any chance of winning in the finals...i think the best player of the night was Shi Jia Yi, who looked..and
played a lot like Xabi Alonso of Liverpool from where i sat. Daniel Bennett also deserves mention for being the only Singapore defender who even bothered to try tackling strikers and intercepting passes from midfield..the rest just kept backing off and giving the opponent's attackers space.
Still, quite worth it lah, for only ten dollars. Anyway, here're some of the pictures taken yesterday with my sister's camera-phone..
Me and Aide
My cousin, Nick, and I
Sis and Mum
Mum and Dad

Lol ok so these two aren't from the soccer match, but i just wanted to put these photos here..meet Ian, my older cousin's new kid! The next pooh bear in our family..and trust me he's much much much cuter in real life. :)
Well...i've typed quite a bit so it's time to end..booking in tonight so i can't spend so many of my remaining hours on a bloody BLOG! I SHOULD be having a dinner with the usual bunch next week, but..for the week after that i'd probably start looking from outing-partners sometime soon. Until then..!!
It's time for a bitching session...
Hmm..the past few days have been pretty tough..mainly because of the countless rehearsals that i had to do as one of the two MCs for the change of command parade...yep, our brigade commander has changed. I used to think of it as a good thing..you know, new leadership, new ideas..but now it's just new leadership, new RULES..let's hope that some of them aren't TOO restrictive.
In any case, the parade went without a hitch, i said my lines correctly and clearly, and i finally emerged from the rubble of frantic soldiers and last minute instructions...relatively unscathed! Yeah, it's really great, no extra guard duties awarded to me as i had feared for any grave errors i might have committed 0_o..in fact the brigade sergeant-major said that i did a great job! :)
He then recommended to my own company sergeant major (who is, for your information, of a lower rank) that I BE AWARDED WITH A LONGER WEEKEND THIS WEEK 0.0 ...
And so...
...Nothing happened. Lol like what the hell?? Where's my OFF DAY??
Haha but i'm not really pissed off or anything lah...i'll just treat all of it as a good experience, which it WAS, in any case.
...Although i would really LOVE to have that off day. Lol.
Man, our company sergeant major is simply amazing. And, well i'm sure the whole company knows about this already, including her, but i'd like to take the opportunity to thank her...
...for making us take care of things which don't exactly fall under our jurisdiction, like the camp's fish pond (the fish pond isn't ours, and isn't in our company premises..and since we do ALL the cleaning ALL the time anyway..i wonder if the fish are supposed to be used to help us signallers transmit messages in times of war..?)...
...for volunteering the signallers when anyone of higher rank needs help for all sorts of
saikang...(i'm reminded of..hmm..the setting up of PA systems...transporting stage props...cleaning the fish pond...carrying of stores...)
...for trying to make work as
efficient as possible...like when she forced the men from one bunk to cram into the other two...supposedly for a more
efficient area cleaning and inspection.
...for coming down hard and awarding extra guard duties, mainly for things that will REALLY matter when war actually comes...like, you know,
long hair, t-shirts that are tucked out, not waking up at 5.30am to eat breakfast...yeah and who cares if you slept at 1.00am the night before (wait a sec..you slept late!! you deserve more punishment for that offence! Insomnia? What rubbish..go report sick before you give that kinda excuse!)
I wonder why is it my CSM
never truly gives welfare to anyone in the company...Like the only "welfare" she gives us is when she forces us to book in early (
"for your 'welfare' what..to get more sleep..") or when she forces us to wake up one & a half hours earlier to eat breakfast (
"for your 'welfare' what..so that you won't faint during the run later...")
Earlier on she accused people of lying in order to book out earlier when they said that they had consumed dinner, and wanted to force them to eat the parade leftovers (and thus satisfying the request of a superior that we get people to help finish the food...2 birds with 1 stone!). Her reason was ..
"for your 'welfare' what...i don't want the company to be responsible if you're blur and get into an accident on the way home..." The contradiction in her statement's so strong, it's practically crying out to be noticed.
Sigh. I guess i just can't fit into this lifestyle. Regimental discipline's a no-no for me...i believe that the rules were there for a reason...a reason that we shouldn't forget. But there ARE lots of times when certain rules and standard operating procedures need to be looked at..placed under a microscope. Especially when they just don't make any SENSE anymore. These army rules and SOPs were conceived by fellow human beings after all..and the more rigidly we follow them, the more they simply become bureaucratic red tape.
Well, i'm getting tired of bitching...AND writing, for that matter. Tomorrow's mahjong! With my sister's friends..i'll just try not to lose money lol..And after that i'm getting dragged off to watch some live soccer...Singapore VS Malaysia!! I
predict that..Malaysia will win. I'm not
praying that Singapore will win. But...i'd
prefer it if Singapore wins lah haha.
Driving lesson's on Sunday..and there's guard duty next friday, so i suppose i'll only be free for dinner with jac & kenneth & the usual gang next week on saturday night. And THAT means that i'll only be free for outings with other people the week after. No more time to spare!!
Which's...good i suppose, since it means that there'll be a minimum period of time during the weekends where i'll be sitting in front of the computer, moping to myself and asking myself why another weekend has passed by without any social interactions whatsoever. In short, less time to feel all lonely and shitty.
Maybe i should start inviting other people out to dinner or bowling or movies or stuff like that...hmm but i'm always too shy and too afraid that the other party gets the wrong idea...
It kinda explains why i only go out regularly with "the usual group"..they know me well enough that they'll never get the wrong idea.
I DID say that i was tired of writing, didn't i.
Missing: A pair of slippers
I just lost my pair of beach slippers. Or rather, they were stolen..left it outside my uncle's place today and it was gone before i left it. I'm hoping against hope that my alter ego, Mr Blur, had somehow contrived to walk into the house and leave it there, but since i haven't had any news from him yet, i suppose it's quite safe to say that my slippers have gone missing..NOT by accident.
It's not exactly an expensive pair of slippers, but it
does have a gorgeous beach babe on it..a Swimsuit Illustrated-style imprint that is..not some cartoony drawing or whatever. Sigh..i actually LIKED that pair! Like if i had a choice, i'd probably buy the same pair again instead of getting a more expensive one (for free) from
Ripcurl or whatever. I suppose i'll just ask my cousin where he got it..it was a birthday present from him. Or maybe go shopping for another pair of sky-blue beach slippers...from
Ripcurl or whatever.
Anyway, i found it really funny that of all the slippers outside the apartment, mine was the one pinched...either that guy's going to the beach tomorrow...or he/she's really just a deprived guy/les. Erps.
Somebody get that person a porn mag or something. Gosh.
I'm dead bored.
I'm dead bored. Totally nothing to type about 'cos nothing really interesting has happened so far, besides my first driving practical lesson last sunday and something which got me really pissed off yesterday and which i shall not blog about due to forced-personal censorship. I've recovered from my flu/cold but i'm still officially on "Light Duties" status so, in a way, i've been "
banned" from doing physical activities like basketball, any type of sport..basically any activity which might help me pass the time.
I really should have brought a book to read. I've been doing Advance Theory questions and doodling on my notebook for hours in bunk. Most of the sites that i want to visit on the net are banned in camp. Work on my latest "project" has stalled inevitably. My blog won't have anything interesting on it until i get more motivation.
Hoping for an sms or call from
anyone just so i can have a chat is quite the indication of my current predicament. Next week i've got to bring in more reading material.
Lonely joker sick.
(giving blog entries titles like this is so much easier -.- )
Hmm..it seems that as the new year starts, i'm starting to go back to my lonely-ass army boy life again..you know, the one where i get an average of
one sms a day, and the only light my best clothes see is the light in my bedroom. I'm feeling..quite out of touch with this world..you could say that it's all my fault because in my heart i instinctively reach for privacy, eevn though my mind tells me that i'm yearning for interaction. A social introvert, i suppose.
Well, at least camp has been getting more fun! Welfare has been on the wane and the
saikang is on the rise, but things've been much more enjoyable since Desmond came to our company..it's like there's now another JC joker in camp haha! No offence to poly people..it's not like i think they're stupid, far from it, but it's just that their..sense of humour tends to be on a different wavelength from mine...like i'd think that their jokes aren't exactly funny or witty, and they'd interpret my jokes as just plain weirdness.
Most VJ people could understand my jokes, which's good since i don't really get along with those who can't get it and THEN think that i'm a poser or something as a result. But now this guy from SRJC is actually CONTRIBUTING to the joke pool haha! Another natural joker too, kinda like Nicholas Lim...a bit less wacky but less inhibited too, which's
good. Lol. I think i'm talking a lot more now in camp than ever, i suppose that'll surprise people who used to think that i was a really quiet guy.
Anyway...i think that i'm sick. As in ill. Woke up this morning with a lot of backflow in my nose, i'm still feeling a little dizzy and there's this infected feeling in my throat. I swear it's the half slab of milk chocolate and the cocoa i took last night..probably resulted in a prolonged period of dehydration due to the caffeine, and add to the fact that there're some sick guys in camp..
As in ill guys in camp. Though the previous sentence is also true. In any case if anybody is reading this, do take note..chocolates are
BAD for you...0.0 yes they are..like so what if they're supposed to get you all happy and high...if you wake up the next day with a cold, you probably won't be very
high happy anymore...
Well, anyway was planning something interesting for this blog, but we'll see how it goes yah.
Hahaha hey people sorry for a late post..the army internet computer kinda screwed up today..like someone shut it down by accident and it took all day for people to finally get off their asses to get the key just to
turn it back on...we're just all overflowing with initiative, aren't we? Erps.
Anyway, if you people still have your sunday newspapers a.k.a. 7th Jan 2007, check out The New Paper page 11 and Sunday Times erm..around page 30-plus..the "Hot Bod" section lah haha...Jeanette and Jamie, you're on the newspaper! For having good qualities like "hot bods" and good looks too! Lol you really make this old man proud of you haha! Wow! Roulette is damn zai..now all that's left is for Moujian to join Manhunt or whatever lol.
Hmm well last weekend was pretty good...had dinner with Princess Kailie and family among others..she's now 3+years old and as bossy as ever! Then played mahjong with dorinda and chuaH again..this time along with jeremy..this guy from choir whom i knew by face but never spoke to till saturday...i'm NEVER going to play mahjong there again though...at least not until i get a driving licence (..AND a car for that matter >.<). Dorinda..you definitely know this but your home is so DARN inaccessible!! Nothing wrong with your home facilities and your family are nice people, but i REALLY wonder how much trouble you had going home every day from VJC...
That day i was trying to save money too 'cos i bombed so much cash at Funan...and in the end i think i walked much more than i would have if i tried to get from my army pass office all the way to my bunk..which IS saying something.
Anyway the game was pretty fun and the gossip during dinner was
well missed. Haha we talked about all those junior/senior class "happenings" during JC...i know i always try to act all quiet and cool but deep inside me there's a really
gossipy old woman..
Oh, and a hardware announcement..with the 500gb harddisk my uncle gave me all plugged up using my external case..i've hit over a TERRABYTE of computer storage! Woohoo just perfect for my hoarding habits..I've also got this Razer Diamondback mouse too which's pretty cool and whose colours fit my computer scheme perfectly..it's a little TOO sensitive for certain programs though...i suggest those wanting to get it don't jump into it straightaway..i'm pretty sure people playing Dota with normal mice all their lives will get thrashed the first time they play using THIS baby.
Well, gotta go for dinner, and i'm not really suited to typing all this out at the moment 'cos i just woke up...BUT anyway last 2 announcements...
DID YOU KNOW....that there's a shift-right click function for Neverwinter Nights 2?? Gosh okay totally lame but i'm a little pissed..like WHY didn't they tell me about it in the first place..? -.-
And the Bleach anime is going to start following the manga again!! The ending scene to Episode 109 showed Shinji Hirako (or is it Hirako Shinji) entering Karakura Town!! For those who watch anime but don't know Bleach..like where the HELL have you been?? Bleach totally kicks ass lah haha!
A Random Comment
Haha my fellow signal sergeant Kenneth Poon just told me this..
Kenneth: "Hey, do you know what's my birthday wish this year?"
Me: " Huh? What?"
Kenneth: " It's to ORD
before my birthday!!"
Lol his birthday's on the 14th of August and he ORDs on the 9th of September. Totally lame.
Hmm that's 26 days..but if i had a choice, i'd disappear from camp 2 months before MY ORD.
Haha totally random crap...i think i need more sleep.
Why oh why..
Last night, i slept at 11am, woke up at 2am, and couldn't seem to knock off again. Stayed awake all the way until fall-in time, at 7.45 in the morning, and then managed to sneak in some sleep at 9am and in the afternoon.
Tonight, i slept at 9.30pm, woke up at 11.30pm, and have been unable to sleep again until now..which's almost 3 in the morning. 3 and a half hours of tossing and turning...i got so pissed off that i decided to blog all this irritation down.
I think i need help. Seriously. I can feel the dead-ass tiredness in my back, my neck, my eyes..and i'm a little dizzy with sleepiness..and yet somehow when i'm lying in my bed all that tiredness just seems to...go away. I can't really understand
why oh why my body refuses to shut down just for a moment...
I suspect that i won't be able to sleep when i go back later...and i plan to use that to do some serious body re-clocking. It'll be pure suffering, especially if there's extra work tomorrow, but i don't see any other way at the moment.
Not that i can catch up on sleep tomorrow even if i wanted to, what with the new OC's dumbass ruling that we can't go to our bunks during office hours. Most of his rules seem rather inflexible, hell-bent on denying us welfare, and the rationale behind all of it is just to improve our...image. Like gosh, there's nothing for us to do, we aren't needed in camp, and more than half of us want to get fired anyway, but we still get nights-off cancelled for the whole year and all that just to...keep up an
illusion of efficiency?
Ahh whatever, anyway i'm digressing. I'm going to try to sleep again, and if tomorrow's situation remains the same, i suppose i'll be the first guy in a while reporting sick for..Insomnia. Gosh.
Random Thoughts
Hmm...John Mayer's Continuum's actually a very nice album...a good album to mope around to, a good album to listen to while sitting alone on a bus, a good album to just close your eyes to while waiting for a friend...
It's also a good album to sleep to and one that you shouldn't play too much of when it's mahjong time..as PAST EXPERIENCE on the 30th of December tells me.
...SUPPOSEDLY a good album to sleep to, since it didn't actually work for me last night. But if even
Secret Garden's music couldn't induce me to knock off, i certainly doubt that any stuff from John Mayer could stand a chance.
Then again, from my limited experience, it could just be likely that what i need is LOUD music...rock music so loud that it drowns out all the thoughts in my head...
Hmmm..since there's nothing to do in camp now, maybe i'll give it a try later. Lol.
It's almost over.
Gosh..just played mahjong with my family and got totally owned..it was just total bad luck...Haiz i really should've played smaller 'cos i kinda forgot how much arse-luck my mum has...her pulling-power is amazing like she drew an average 2-3flowers per game. Meanwhile i had a game when i played
chou ping hu and drew SIX freakin
da pai in a row..like all the northsoutheastwest. Like what the hell.
And my dad kept feeding her cards, which still wasn't very bad for him 'cos i'd feed her the last tile (the one that really
matters :\)...we only played 2 winds and i lost $8.60 while my mum won $13+ (playing 10cents-20cents summore)...i think i threw the winning tile for more than 6 of the games.
Note to self: Since my luck with
qing yi se is horrid, and my luck when playing with my mum is even
worse (maybe i owe her too many favours)...i think it's best if i play small EVERY TIME..doesn't matter how tempting the starting cards are.
Ahwell...anyway it's been over for 2 days, but the mahjong appointment on the 30th was really fun! I won that day (for some reason when i play outsiders on my home-ground i DO win everytime..except when i'm distracted by the TV lah :) but the real fun was in all the crap-talk..sigh really miss those VJ days...
I was a little pissed for one thing though. And i'm gonna say it because there's nowhere else...
It really feels like i wasted my money when a treat isn't even
acknowledged... -.-
Anyway..enough about that..DORY!! WE DIDN'T TAKE A BLOODY PICTURE!! How could i have forgotten??
Hmm...maybe it's because i had the feeling that, unlike Roulette outing, we'd meet again sooner rather than later..? Haha maybe that's it! Let's organise another mahjong session on a weekend!! Lol maybe THIS time xunai can get out of the house..if not i can always find more players.
Oh but i DO wish for more roulette outings though..sigh why do i get the feeling that we're only going to probably meet up like ONCE the whole of next year?
Well, anyway my birthday started off with a BANG. To be precise, it was a phone call from my Signal Company, telling me that i HAD to come back to camp NOW to do COS duty (which for your info is an overnight thing). I was like "Erm...it's my birthday today you know...i've got
guests coming over and all that.."
I didn't have to do it in the end...really lucky. My birthday would have really sucked otherwise.
I didn't play mahjong in the end 'cos all the places were occupied, so it was...kinda boring all in all. Drank wine and ate fried junk. Gifts-wise only got a haversack bag from aunty judy/ronald, a shirt&tie from big jiejie&family, chocs from my sis, eyebag cream from my mum&dad 0.0 and a shirt from dorinda (gosh you've gotta stop doing favours for me i think i owe you a pile of them already..which i have to fulfill
despite whatever you say) .
Got quite a lot of
ang baos though. Enough to cover about 2/3 of this month's expenditure.
Well, anyway today....got nothing much lah. And tomorrow (or rather,
today)...got nothing as well because bowling with chinhow&kenneth&jaclyn got canned. Damn i really wanna bowl some time. And it's gonna be back to work, soon..
Yep, my twelve-day break is almost over. Passed
really fast, especially on the days which were the MOST fun of all. I'm not getting as depressed about it as i might have been during, say, block leave after BMT, however.
If those twelve days passed by quickly, then
good. Let's hope that next year passes by
just as fast.