
Should be..?
I know a man called B. In the past, my friends and i found it very amusing how much B smoked...smoked, meaning that he would pretend that he knew something "for sure" when the chances of him being right were only like...80%. Or less. His most famous phrase was "should be", a phrase he'd attach to wild theories that had a bare chance of being true. "Should be" was like a mask for his lack of real knowledge, and you were screwed big time if you believed what he had said "should be" the case (although i must admit that it sometimes made sense).

Now, i'm bringing this up because i find that, in law school, i'm using "should be" a lot, myself. The law should be this, the law should be that. I.e., the law is probably like this at the moment, but it ought to be that. It sounds a bit Positivist, but it seems like we cannot escape from this kind of reasoning during our non-Legal Theory classes.

So the law is so uncertain, that the most i can say is that the law "should be" this, and that A is "likely" to have equitable rights in B's property. This legal uncertainty is like a reflection of our own moral uncertainties, however, and given that we'll probably NEVER find two people who can agree on what's right and what's wrong for everything under the sun, legal uncertainty is here to stay.

But still, i wish i wasn't stuck saying "should be" all the time. It makes me feel like i have only a 20% chance of being correct.

Ahwell...law school is so shitty at the moment. The work is pretty easy, but everyone in my batch is working so damn hard, that i'll probably get shitty grades again come the end of the year. Very demoralising. Shitty grades, that is.

It's like, if we were just given a fixed amount of marks for naming the right case that applies and applying the case correctly, everyone would be getting A1 for their papers (if A1 is 75% of the maximum score). But instead, our grades are compared to everyone else's, meaning a few people are going to get As, and those who beat the system, but couldn't beat their friends, will get Bs and Cs. This is quite unlike UK's system, or so i hear. At this rate, i'm NEVER going to get 2nd Upper.

On another note, i've discovered the secret to getting a summit lot in school! Summit lots, btw, are the carpark lots that are the closest to the school building.

Ahaha...it's easy; just reach school before 7.15am! Lol...i hope no one was disappointed with the "secret". Probably no one was disappointed since no one reads this blog anyway. :|

Should be lah. :|

Ok well, enough slacking; it's time to start on my company tutorial!

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Gregory Ang
31st December
Blur AND clumsy
Signal Spec


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Finally, sorry for all that self-protection crap...it was quite fun though LOL. Just enjoy reading lah! :)

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