
It's coming out...

...phew. That feels better. I think something has gotten into me recently. It kinda shows in the depressing state of my blog. Could be the stress. And paranoia. Or it could be that my incorrigible lack of organisation has led to aimless studying, which has led to me not fully understanding the material and doubting my own intellect. If that's not bad enough, i just spent the past few hours snooping around online. Dumb.

Self-esteem and confidence levels have been low. Motivation is practically non-existent. I've been feeling horrible and acting horribly. Well, that's according to my lofty unrealistic perfectionist standards which i can never meet anyway. But still, i can clearly see room for improvement. I haven't been thinking of others enough. Maybe it's my self-preservation mode being activated. Maybe it's time to get back to basics.

Argh in any case, i'm so going to spend the holidays reading up on Criminal Law, so that i'll own everyone when Semester 2 starts and feel all confident and arrogant. Mwahahahaha!!! >:D

Okay, that was just plain evil. See, room for improvement.

Not to mention that i won't even get to own anyone anyway, because so many people WILL be reading up on Criminal Law during the holidays...bloody hell. -.-

About Me...

Gregory Ang
31st December
Blur AND clumsy
Signal Spec


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Fellow Bloggers :)

kenneth poon

DISCLAIMER: This blog is copyrighted by Gregory Ang, blah blah blah...if you wanna quote something from this blog for some reason (i can't even begin to imagine what), please at least say Greg said "..." instead of just "..."

IN ADDITION, i am not liable for any damages if, after reading my posts, you start to go crazy/doubt God/feel depressed, OR if you decide to believe my supposed "facts" or listen to my advice or any advice written in this blog AT YOUR OWN RISK and end up getting screwed/fired from your job, etc.

HOWEVER, if you are aggrieved by something that i wrote in my blog - something that damages your reputation or whatever - please feel free to send an email (with your REASONS) to greckoboy@hotmail.com, and i'll edit my posts...ONCE i've read the email (please be warned that i don't read my emails THAT regularly).

TERMS OF AGREEMENT: By reading this blog, you agree that this website is just a simple collection of opinions. I will erase this part when i start harbouring ambitions to change the world or take down the PAP or whatever. Furthermore, you agree to abide by the terms stated (rather crudely) in the disclaimer above.

REMEMBER, it is YOUR duty to read all of the above, for i have already written a post to direct your attention here. And if you feel the disclaimer is not "properly defined" and/or not clear, then i'm very sorry, but i kinda thought that you had this thing called "common sense". I know you have common sense...you do, don't you?

Finally, sorry for all that self-protection crap...it was quite fun though LOL. Just enjoy reading lah! :)

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