There're some rather expensive stuff that i wanna buy. At first, a PS3 was probably the most expensive buy that was imminent, but since Final Fantasy XIII Versus is taking its own sweet time to get released, other relatively expensive buys have taken precedence.
1. A laptop. I was actually quite hesitant on getting a new one, since my old one was still functioning fine (contrary to what my parents think). But now, it gets overheating problems whenever it runs intensive programs. For example, it overheats and shuts down from running "intensive" programs like BEJEWELED BLITZ, streaming movie files, and doing prolonged file transfers. All in a 25 degrees celsius air-conditioned room, with my laptop on stands.
My laptop's touchpad and clicking button have also gotten screwy; they register a click&hold when all i'm doing is clicking, and sometimes they do not register anything at all, with the effect that sometimes i double click on a folder and it doesn't open, and then when i move my pointer to do something else i end up dragging the folder with me. Weird stuff.
I'm eyeing a lightweight laptop with a discrete graphics card and long battery life. Something like an Acer TimelineX 4820TG. Except that i would prefer my laptop to at least have either a USB 3.0 port or an e-SATA port. The Acer laptop also retails at about $1,800 now, which is a little steep for me. I shall have to wait till SITEX 2010 to see if there are any better offers.
2. An electric guitar. I was looking at some guitars at a Singapore website. I think i can get a good guitar with a $350 budget. Ibanez or Smash. Whatever lah, i'm a noob at shopping for guitars.
3. A digital piano. Well, actually, i don't think i'll ever buy one unless there's a 2nd-hand one on offer. Even Yamaha's cheapest P series retails for $1,100. Why are digital pianos so bloody expensive?? Is there some kind of crazy technology involved in making digital pianos? Are the piano keys still made of elephant tusks or something?? Or are they inflating the price in order to keep the regular pianos competitive?? This really sucks.
4. Dragon Age 2: Signature Edition. This one shouldn't cost me more than $100...unless Singapore stores don't offer the Signature Edition to early bird purchasers, which would mean that i'd need to pre-order from an overseas shop. Then it would cost me over $100.
5. Guitar or piano lessons. Which would definitely cost me a few hundred in a month or two.
6. LASIK surgery. Well...i'll wait till law school is over first because my degree is still in the process of getting worse thanks to all that reading.
There are also some less expensive items that i either need or want at the moment.
1. More shorts. I'll get them from Giordano at hopefully $20-30 each. I only have three pairs, and despite wearing them for 3-4 days each, the laundry is somehow so slow that there are times that i don't have any shorts available. And my black pair's zipper is now loose and has a tendency of unzipping on its own, which might lead to some future embarrassment.
2. BB Cream. Okay, this is my vainness at its worst. It's just that i've noticed how BB Cream can help to hide my eyebags a little bit, which can come in handy. XD
3. A black cloth headband. Useful in holding my hair up. Something like the one Taemin wears in the Lucifer MV, which is wider than the one i always use (and which also seems to be missing at the moment) but much thinner than the black shirt sleeve that i sometimes wear on my head.
3. Hair conditioner. My sister and i have been going without it for the past 2 weeks. I told my mother about it 2 weeks ago but nothing was done; i suspect she forgot. And i keep forgetting to either remind her again or go and buy some myself. It's so weird that we have 3 bottles of shampoo in the toilet right now, but no conditioner. Argh curses.
4. Hill Street fried kway teow, teppenyaki, home-made Famous Amos no-nuts cookies, kimchi and/or cabbage to make kimchi. Okay, these are foods, but...what's wrong with needing foods lol! Damn my food cravings are acting up again.