My dreams are really weird. All the time. I've had friends who've told me before that they could fly in their dreams and do all sorts of wonderful and silly things, but my own dreams always seem constrained in a very weird manner.
For one thing, i'm usually the only one in my dreams WITHOUT any special powers (well, i DID dream yesterday that i could drive a motorbike). Instead, i tend to get chased around by weird forces. And i either rely on the powers of others or on "sheer luck" to survive. Or, just before i get killed or whatever, the dream just ends abruptly and begins at another location. Weird.
For another, i'm always vaguely accountable for what i do in my dreams, in a very weird fashion. If i were to *er hem* do embarrassing things in the dream, i WILL get caught by someone. If i see a pen in a shop that i like and try to filch it, the police WILL catch me doing it and they WILL try to kill me. On the other hand, if a policeman likes a pen that i own, he WILL try to kill me for it. And his buddies will join in the chase too. And usually, when i get caught, my dream will either shift about abruptly or it'll end and i'll just wake up early. (Like i just did...i've only slept 4+ freakin hours!)
It's so odd. I can never get away with doing anything bad in my dreams even though people (and monsters) try to kill me all the time. Whenever i'm doing anything that i shouldn't be doing in the real world, i get interrupted. Or if i'm trying to do something i shouldn't, i'd encounter so many obstacles that i'd usually wake up before i do anything. Or i'd just get caught and i'd wake up in a panic. (Yep, like i just did.) I wonder what that says about me. :|