
Beware the Dominatrix.
Let me just say for the record that i cannot STAND those types of arrogant, competitive, self-centered girls who always want to win or be right or have things their way with few compromises, and who give little to no thought about the feelings or preferences of other people whenever their own interests are affected. When they "give in", it's actually because they don't really care too much either way, and when they TELL me what to do, it's secretly or unconsciously for their benefit and never for mine. I especially cannot STAND the types that are always provoking me into an "argumentative debate" with taunts or getting easily provoked when they feel slighted in the least (and then they get personal and all the rage comes flying out); it's like they're itching for a fight where they must always win and i'll either have to give in completely or become the big jerk when they run crying or complaining to their friends or whoever.

I've always had this habit of running away from girls who exhibit such traits. Of course, first impressions can be deceiving, and some nice girls have proven me wrong in the past, but i usually like playing safe. Call me weak or whatever, but i really do hate having to interact with such types. I like my peace and quiet. And i've already got enough shit to deal with. I also have an ego. So i like it when people listen seriously to what i say before taking a measured approach in asserting their points of view, instead of simply going "No, no, but..." or "No, no, how about we do this instead..." when a different idea/argument/theory/suggestion pops up in their head; and the fact that their idea or whatever is different from mine presupposes that mine is wrong. I also prefer it if people give some thought to my expressed and implied feelings and preferences before deciding what to do; that way, i can focus on reciprocating instead of getting into disgusting and relationship-damaging wars while trying to assert my ignored preferences. Thankfully, these types of scary girls are rare. But then i entered law school, which is probably more likely to have more of these types than not. I'm an idiot i guess.

Why only girls? Because they can get away with it; sometimes they're even fondly labelled "strong" or "independent"...which actually doesn't make sense because most of these girls can't even take care of themselves. How do you measure "independence"? Your ability to make money? Heck, i think i know a guy who even thinks that such behaviour is "cute"! He'd probably raise a spoilt monster of a daughter, thinking that padding her ego by giving in to her all the time is like some kind of affirmative action to help the feminist movement (or maybe he just thinks that he's "doting" on her). There's a difference between being proud and being an arrogant bitch! What about guys with similar personalities? They usually DO get labelled as arrogant or as chauvinist pigs and chucked into the "jerk heap" by the general populace and ESPECIALLY by girls with similar personalities who had clashed with those guys before.

So, are you a girl? Was the first thing you thought of when you started reading the intentionally sweeping assertions in my rant "No, but..."? Are you really pissed off with me right now and wish to go complain to your family and friends? Do you wish to post a comment to me and have an "argumentative debate" with me in order to persuade me that my opinion is totally incorrect? And do you think that my incorrectness has something to do with me being a jerk or some kind of idiot?

If so, please do let me know who you are, so that i can make a note of it. :)

PS: Dominatrix is the wrong word to use, by the way. It has sexual connotations, and i can imagine a dominatrix who "dominates" not for her own pleasure but for the pleasure of the masochist. I just used "Dominatrix" in my post's title because it grabs attention, seems quite funny, and sounds kind of catchy too. XD

About Me...

Gregory Ang
31st December
Blur AND clumsy
Signal Spec


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kenneth poon

DISCLAIMER: This blog is copyrighted by Gregory Ang, blah blah blah...if you wanna quote something from this blog for some reason (i can't even begin to imagine what), please at least say Greg said "..." instead of just "..."

IN ADDITION, i am not liable for any damages if, after reading my posts, you start to go crazy/doubt God/feel depressed, OR if you decide to believe my supposed "facts" or listen to my advice or any advice written in this blog AT YOUR OWN RISK and end up getting screwed/fired from your job, etc.

HOWEVER, if you are aggrieved by something that i wrote in my blog - something that damages your reputation or whatever - please feel free to send an email (with your REASONS) to greckoboy@hotmail.com, and i'll edit my posts...ONCE i've read the email (please be warned that i don't read my emails THAT regularly).

TERMS OF AGREEMENT: By reading this blog, you agree that this website is just a simple collection of opinions. I will erase this part when i start harbouring ambitions to change the world or take down the PAP or whatever. Furthermore, you agree to abide by the terms stated (rather crudely) in the disclaimer above.

REMEMBER, it is YOUR duty to read all of the above, for i have already written a post to direct your attention here. And if you feel the disclaimer is not "properly defined" and/or not clear, then i'm very sorry, but i kinda thought that you had this thing called "common sense". I know you have common sense...you do, don't you?

Finally, sorry for all that self-protection crap...it was quite fun though LOL. Just enjoy reading lah! :)

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