Man...i haven't posted in a while...don't have much to post about anyway. Nothing really new and interesting is happening in my life...and i don't want anything new and interesting to happen in my life, either.
Well, i watched Narnia: Prince Caspian a few days ago, and's better than i thought it would be. Not because it was actually GOOD, but because i had such low expectations of the movie after the rather unimpressive first installment. I don't have much else to say about it; i'm not going to waste my time bitching about it. Bottomline: it won't kill you to watch the show, and you might just find the jokes funny, but don't watch it if you don't have to.
Anyway, i've been spending my time catching up on anime (Latest recommendation is BAMBOO BLADE! Go check it out people; it's VERY funny! :)). And catching up on sleep as well. I've also been doing less repetitions but adding more weight on everything whenever i exercise and i've been forcing myself to eat a bit more than i'm used to. And i think the result really shows. In a good way, that is. XD
Apart from all that, i'm just trying to keep my life as peaceful and uneventful as possible without letting it get too boring. And eventually, i'm going to have to take my studying of economics and the japanese language a little more seriously. Tomorrow evening, i shall also finally resume one of my inital baking challenges: french croissants!
...that's unless i chicken out at the last minute like i normally do. :x