I shall post here since i can't seem to post on my tagboard from my computer. Again. And not only on the computer outside, but the one in my room too. I click the post button, the tiny flooble window pops up, whatever i've written disappears but nothing gets posted. Tried posting a long message or short one and there's no difference in the results. Bleah. I think it's an error with their servers regarding my IP address which won't get resolved till tomorrow perhaps. Anyway...
lol no it's not greg-pan, it's...singa-pan!! XD ok lame but hey, maybe one day i'll bake a durian bread that even people overseas'll eat! >:D but first i'll need to learn microwave/steaming bread techniques since my oven's really small...i don't mind baking some bread and bringing it over to class, but i can't make any promises.
erm...nancy is some girl who added me on facebook. and i accepted the request solely on the account that you and andy ang were also on her friends list. and now u don't know who she is haha is that weird or what? 0.0 anyway i've got unknown people adding me on facebook that i haven't accepted too but haven't rejected since they're supposed to be in NUS. yes such a waste of money but i'm sure there're lots of big appetite guys in australia who can help u finish. and what's histo? u can't be studying history over there rite?? could that be some kinda medical term???