Yikes, i've been playing that PS2 a LOT. It must be, like, the BEST console ever lol. Final Fantasy X is extremely fun (although the fighting is a bit dreary...blitzball's worth it though) and there're quite a lot of party games out there as well.
But apart from games, i've resumed my driving lessons this week and it'll be for an hour and a half at 4.30pm on saturdays till..well..till i PASS lah *sigh*. =\
And then...i've signed up for a MANGA DRAWING COURSE as well! Hahaha...it's over at Simei, and i'll be going with Diana and Jaclyn for 2 hours every Sunday at 1.30pm. Looks like i'll need it anyway...after clearing up almost all of my manga storyline's consistencies and anything that can be seen as VERY unoriginal, i've discovered that i need at least a bit MORE skill than i currently have to finish the storyboard. Even though i'm not the actual artist, some good drawing skills are still needed for, well, self-motivation, and to clearly show how each scene looks in my mind's eye.
So my weekends are going to be packed...how am i going to finish Final Fantasy X like this?? Hahaha...and after that, i still need to clear FF9 and FF12, and Kingdom Hearts and Odin Sphere and Disgaea and...
Well, i don't have much time left. Between getting a job after ORD and studying before my course starts - just like a lot of fellow Law students - just to stay in the MIDDLE of the rat-race, i've also got manga-drawing, anime-watching and clearing all my unfinished business with the PS2. For this reason, i'm quite glad that i've quit Warcraft and DotA. I'm also starting to feel relieved that i currently don't have a girlfried too...erps! Whoops...this is quite a troubling turn of events... 0_o
Anyway, i got dragged off to watch the Bourne Ultimatum with my family on friday, and my dad was rather..erm.."kid-like" in the way he addressed my unwillingness to watch the show...
Dad: "So Greg, do you want to go watch the Bourne movie?"
Greg: "Err...to be honest, i really DON'T want to, but haiyah, if you really want to watch it, then i anything lor..."
Dad: "Okay then!"
And then we all went to the cinemas to watch it. :|
Honestly, that's almost like...
Boy: "Mummy, can you buy this latest toy for me?"
Mother: "*Sigh* Ah-boy ah, we got very little money left you know...but if you really want it so badly then i'll get it for you lor..."
Boy: "Okay then! Please buy for me, thank you!!" :|
But credit to my dad, the movie was actually pretty good! Lots of gripping action scenes and all that, although the storyline isn't exactly that great when you stop to think about it after the show.
Before i end..just a personal update...i was one day late in wishing 3 people Happy Birthday this weekend! 0.0 Jane and Ivy's bday on Aug 13, and Celine's on Aug 18. My birthday list is not yet complete, but i've realised that even if it was finished, i'd STILL forget people's birthdays, because i just don't refer to the birthday list enough! Sigh...so it didn't work in the end huh...:( Well, at least i won't forget those birthdays for GOOD anymore.
In any case..it's now 10.30pm!! I've got to hurry and change because it's book-in time! Ahhh..i'm gonna be late!!