Man...i've really got to finish that birthdate list that i've always said that i'd do...i think it was last year that i decided to make a whole list of friends' and relatives' birthdays in chronological order, in order to better remember people's birthdays and to plan gift-buying and giving them well-wishes on time.
...Except that, while i've collected some numbers, the list is still incomplete and everything has yet to be collated.
So, i knew that Goat's birthday was this month but i forgot the exact date, and so to avoid potential embarrassment, i decided to wait for Jacyln or Kenneth or someone else to suggest an outing on "this weekend" (whenever that weekend was) to celebrate Goat's birthday which was coming up "next tuesday" or "next thursday" (or whatever that day was). And that way, i would remember his birthdate without having to admit that i had forgotten it AND misplaced THAT list in the first place.
But of course, that never happened, and instead, i found out yesterday - from Goat himself, no less - that his birthday had already PASSED. Turns out that there was no outing or whatever...maybe everyone was waiting for me to organise one.
So i didn't organise an outing...OR wish Goat happy birthday on time, because i'd been procrastinating with regards to the creation of the birthday list (Sorry Goat! It's all my fault!...oh and Happy Belated Birthday! :X). Creating the list was probably one of the "steps" i could've taken (as i'd mention in a previous post) to "further my life" a little when it seemed like there was nothing to do, and of course it's been one that i've avoided.
So i'm going to set a deadline...the end of july! Especially since September and October seem to be the most "active" period, somehow...i'll set reminders every saturday to get my ass off the floor and onto the workchair.
Let's see how it goes from there.