Why?? WHY?? Why is it everyday at camp heralds more bad news for us poor soldiers??
First i found out that i'd been given additional guard duty on the 13th of February, then i was told that my Sunday, on the 25th of Feb would be taken up doing some technology presentation for the troops at some live range..-.- Can't tell you what that technology is but i CAN tell you frankly that it's really unreliable and buggy..i'm just going to spend a whole weekend-day malu-ing.
And i was told today that the route march tomorrow would require us to wake up at like 4am...like what the hell. And of course
we can't complain 'cos they've forced us to turn off our lights at 8.30pm tonight so we'd get "sufficient sleep"...
I think that, in the future, we need to take into account that people need time to adapt to an earlier sleeping time...it's quite likely that we'd get "jet-lag" and not be able to fall asleep..and as the time grows shorter we'd get more anxious and we might end up sleeping later than we did the night before..(like what's the rationale behind doing the route march at 4.30am anyway..?) And what do we do if we didn't sleep enough tonight? Wait 2 hours at the medical office getting a status since the company wants documentation to
prove it? Maybe in other occupations it's expected that we don't get enough sleep, but in the ARMY they tell other people that they ENSURE their soldiers sleep enough..and if they're gonna declare that they're so "welfare" and all that they'd better damn well prove it.
Since the army's SO damn ON about S-O-Ps because it makes it SO much easier for dumb people to decide what's right and what's wrong, we should then make it an SOP that you can't make us sleep more than an hour before the time that we slept the day before. Like if our light's off was at 11.30pm yesterday, you can't make it earlier than 10.30pm today.
Argh..i hate complaining about little things like these 'cos it just sounds so STUPID. But sadly, i'm living in a world right now where there're many little things like these which all add up.
It makes me sick complaining about such small matters because it makes me all too aware that they control my life and encompass the whole of my little army world.
I'm yearning to return to the REAL world.