Whew..just came back from driving lessons...today we went pretty far out from the driving centre and i had a first look at some
very bad drivers...
Well not that they're
bad drivers or anything..just awfully
rude. Like there were a few guys honking at me all over the place just 'cos i took a longer time to speed up...one of them drove into oncoming traffic to overtake me..WHILE i was overtaking a stationary vehicle, and another one quite obviously changed into the wrong lane and jumped the red light just because i was instructed not to speed past the amber light myself.
Ahwell...i suppose driving is one of those activties. You know..the one where you get an opportunity to meet the
scum and losers of the earth. Much like DOTA 0.0...although dota is probably much worse than driving because you actually TALK to those scum.
Anyway, yesterday turned out quite well! I won $20 at mahjong and was like the sole winner...mwahaha my sister's friends were supposed to be pretty high-level players themselves. It's really weird though..i can't understand why is it, when it comes to mahjong, i'm near-indestructible at home (except of course when my MUM plays) but i tend to lose almost everywhere else! I think i need a fengshui/dunno what expert to help me out here.
The soccer match between Singapore and Malaysia went better than expected too. The passing and shooting standards of both teams really sucked (with Singapore being worse off - i think we'd have lost if we weren't better in the air) but at least it was quite exciting. The trip there was hell though..took us over an hour just to get there from Upper East Coast...and every minute of it was pure torture for me too, because the start-stop motion of the car AND the crappy sound of Rod Stewart's music was making me
sick. If there was any singer whose style didn't fit mine at all, it would be
ROD STEWART. Gosh. It's not his singing..and hey i like quite a lot of old songs...but the melody just isn't
We sat directly in front of Singapore's captain Aide Iskandar during the match, and i must say that he's quite the nice dude. Never refused anyone asking for a photograph or autograph, responded in a friendly manner whenever a total stranger came to chat with him...basically just sat down and kept quiet otherwise. He seemed like quite a modest guy to me, but i suppose he IS a grown-up and he's not exactly an international superstar or anything along those lines.
Oh, one thing i almost forgot to add though...my dad totally didn't know who Aide Iskandar was..so when we were trying to get to our seats, with the match having started already, he kept blocking the captain's view! I had to tell him that the captain was behind us before he finally sat down lol!! Then later he wanted to leave the match early at half-time to beat the traffic later and i was like "Waah the freaking
captain is sitting right behind us and you want to walk out on the Singapore team right in front of him?? Like so malu lah.."
Then my mum kept trying to talk to him like an old friend..like turning around and saying things like "Haha well even when you're not playing still got a purpose huh? Can help sign autographs and take pictures..but we'd still prefer it if you're down there on the field lah hahaha!" She does these kinda things to everyone, but i think Aide thought otherwise 'cos he kept smiling back..like he thought this woman's really weird and all...lol sometimes my parents can be so bloody embarrassing haha...of course my mum'd just accuse me of being shy.
Man, but Singapore's players need to improve if they want to have any chance of winning in the finals...i think the best player of the night was Shi Jia Yi, who looked..and
played a lot like Xabi Alonso of Liverpool from where i sat. Daniel Bennett also deserves mention for being the only Singapore defender who even bothered to try tackling strikers and intercepting passes from midfield..the rest just kept backing off and giving the opponent's attackers space.
Still, quite worth it lah, for only ten dollars. Anyway, here're some of the pictures taken yesterday with my sister's camera-phone..
Me and Aide
My cousin, Nick, and I
Sis and Mum
Mum and Dad

Lol ok so these two aren't from the soccer match, but i just wanted to put these photos here..meet Ian, my older cousin's new kid! The next pooh bear in our family..and trust me he's much much much cuter in real life. :)
Well...i've typed quite a bit so it's time to end..booking in tonight so i can't spend so many of my remaining hours on a bloody BLOG! I SHOULD be having a dinner with the usual bunch next week, but..for the week after that i'd probably start looking from outing-partners sometime soon. Until then..!!