After a few months of
data acquisition and installing of tons of programmes and games, i've only got about...100gb left on my WD 300gb harddisk. So i decided to use the WD 250gb one that i've kept in reserve for all these months and install in on my computer.
Took a bit of rough work, considering the lack of space inside the casing, but it turns out i'm pretty lucky 'cos my graphic card's smaller than Mr Goat (aka tzeyang lah) so there's no need to remove my graphic card just to eject the bloody ram chips and get them out of the way. Needed some help from tzeyang 'cos my system couldn't seem to read it at first, so i couldn't format it, but now it's done! So i've now got a sweet 550gb of storage space in my computer! Sweet... :):):)
Oh, anyway speaking of hardware, check out this system mod that i found from shoutwire (yet again)...

Yup it really IS a computer...With a thumbdrive slot on her
thumb and a webcam in her single EYE.
Here's the original link:
And the supposedly original original link:
Someone on shoutwire said that the power button should be between her DEEP inside...I personally wonder where they put the exhaust fans..:D