Woah, went to mary's house today (or rather, yesterday evening..) for her birthday party! Well...a couple of things of note, one of which was this very creatively wrapped mass present from her friends (one of our gifts was involved too) where she'd peel off the wrapping paper of a very big present, only to find a small gift from one of her friends and a slightly smaller wrapped present for her to unwrap...it went on and on until it got pretty hilarious.
Next was the Nintendo Wii! Played quite a bit of it at her place, which was my first ever true experience of the gaming system besides a few touches at tech stores. And i must say that, credit to Nintendo, this machine's VERY fun. Almost as fun as a PS2. Lol. But, to be fair, it's a much, much better multiplayer/amateur-gamer system/party machine. But of course you people knew that already.
We played loads of lame-ass games with non-existant plots, but it was still very wacky and a totally new experience. Enough that i'm even considering getting one via a mass-order...
...except that i know i'd be paying around $800 (including the initial discounts PLUS extra remotes, nunchucks and the games) for something which i wouldn't even touch on normal days. I'd only take it out during house-parties, so it would up my home's fun-factor but not much else.
And talk about time contraints if i get that law-firm internship/attachment/runner/assistant job soon...damn i hope i do get it hahaha.
Apart from all that...i must say that i was quite disappointed in myself again today, for being the ultimate shy-guy that i am. There was this person who i did not know, and who i might've wanted to get to know, but...well, things always turn out the same as usual, don't they.
In any case, it's 2.45am! Time to take a shower and get ready for bed! *Sigh* i was kinda in the mood for sketching though...maybe i should start on that tomorrow instead...